February 28, 2013

More Faces

Well, today is the last day for the 29 Faces 2013 Challenge (see face at right for more info).  I don't know if I'm going to make it to 29 faces, but I do have three more that I worked on yesterday to show you.  These are all ACEO size (2.5" x 3.5") original mixed media works.  They are a combination of watercolor and Micron pen ink on 140 lb. watercolor paper.

"Face of Pain"

"Straw Face"

"Dragon Face"

As always, click on the pictures for larger views.  Hope you like them.

I've enjoyed participating in this challenge.  Check out the other participants awesome work.

February 24, 2013

Space Face

Well, I finished another face for the 29 Faces 2013 Challenge (click face at right for more info).  This is a combination of original and digital art.  I took the pen sketch of Spock I posted earlier and used Paint Shop Pro to color it, crop it, and create a background for it.

"Space Spock"

Again, this would be ACEO sized (2.5" x 3.5") if printed at 300 dpi.  The version posted here is at 72 dpi.  I hope you like this piece.

Three Faces

Time for another entry in the 29 Faces 2013 Challenge (click on the face at right for more info or to participate or view other entries).  This time I decided to take a portion of a photograph I took of Natural Chimneys in Mt. Solon, VA on June 25, 2011 and use Paint Shop Pro and a mouse to draw faces on the cliff face.  I tried to follow natural face shapes in the rock, but I did take license and add a mouth to the central face that wasn't apparent in the rock itself and a nose on the face on the left.  Anyway, the altered picture now contains three faces.

"Cliff Faces"

The size, if printed, would be ACEO size (2.5" x 3.5").  Click on the photo for a larger view and I hope you like it.
This entry puts my face total at fifteen.  I'm still behind, but I hope to catch up.

February 21, 2013

Five More Faces

The last couple of days I've been working on more faces for the 29 Faces 2013 Challenge (click the face photo at right for more info or to participate).  The first two are similar.  Their creation is part original, part digital.  The flower background is from a sheet of origami paper in which I cut a heart shape and glued to an ACEO card.  I decided to scan this partly completed ACEO and use Paint Shop Pro to color the heart and create a face in it.  They are below.

"Heart Face 1"

"Heart Face 2"

I couldn't decide which one I like best so I decided to show both.  Which one do you like best?  These would both be ACEO size (2.5" x 3.5") if printed.

I also worked on another original ACEO, this one done in black Micron Pen ink on smooth Bristol board paper.  He is my favorite character from the original Star Trek series.


Finally, I have two works in progress ACEOs to share with you.  The first is so far a pencil sketch on watercolor paper.  I plan to use watercolors or colored pencil to finish it.

"Mermaid Goddess"

The second has been sitting unfinished in my art drawer, but I really want to finish it by the end of this challenge.  It is colored pencil on Bristol board paper and again, it is ACEO sized.

"Water Elemental"

Click on the photos for larger views.  I hope you've enjoyed looking at these faces.

February 17, 2013

Face 7

Well, I decided to do another photo alteration of a photograph I took in 2009 at our local arboreteum.  It's a statue of a little girl holding two bowls which act as bird feeders.  Anyway,  I spent some time trying different effects on this second photo and finally decided to go with the following alterations.  Using Paint Shop Pro 8, I reduced the picture to two colors, with the blue components selected, Stucki Error Diffusion and the Weighted palette chosen.  Then I made the image Greyscale.  The result is below.

"Arboretum Girl"

I think it has a rather gothic, unworldly quality.  The image is 300 dpi and would be 4" x 6" if printed.  Click on it for a larger view.

Hope you enjoyed this, my seventh face in the 29 Faces 2013 Challenge.  For more information on the challenge and how to participate in it, click on the face at the right.

February 14, 2013

Face 6

Time for some another entry into the 29 Faces 2013 Challenge (see the face at right for more details or to participate).  Another participant gave me the idea of altering photos.  The photograph is of a goat I took at a zoo in 2009 which I called "Zoo Goat" (I made cards of it in my zazzle shop). I altered it in Paint Shop Pro 8 by applying the effect of Colored Pencil, Stippled to it.  The size, if printed, would by 5" x 7" at 300 dpi.  The version posted here is 72 dpi.

"Zoo Goat 2"

I worked on another photo alteration, but just now realized that the photo was taken by my daughter so I guess I'll have to try altering another photo some other time. 

Click on the photo for a larger view and I hope you enjoy looking at it.

February 12, 2013

Face Five

Time for my fifth entry in the 29 Faces 2013 Challenge (click on the face at the right for more details).  This piece started life as a pencil sketch on tracing paper, which I scanned and then colored and refined using the painting program Paint Shop Pro.  The original sketch was larger than ACEO size, but that is the size it would be if printed.

This piece had been sitting unfinished in my computer for a long time, but the faces challenge motivated me to finally complete it.

The portrait is of the main vampire from the television series, Dark Shadows.

"Barnabas 2"
Click on the image for a larger view.  Hope you enjoy this piece.

February 10, 2013

Face Number 4 and an Etsy Update

Here is my fourth entry in the 29 Faces 2013 Challenge (click on the face at the right for more details).  It is another digital art piece and would be ACEO size (2.5" x 3.5") if printed.

"Midnight Kitty"

Click on the image for a larger view.  Hope you enjoy this piece.

For anyone interested, I have put up my "Hearts A Poppin'" original ACEO from the 31 Hearts Challenge in July up for sale on Etsy

February 08, 2013

Two Digitial Faces

Well, it took me a couple of days, but I finished some digital art for the 29 Faces 2013 Challenge.  I have two to show you today.  They were done using a mouse and the painting program Paint Shop Pro.  Both, if printed, would be ACEO size (2.5" x 3.5").

 "Pink Girl"

 "Fairy Light"

Hope you like these.  Click on the images for a larger view.

If you'd like to join the challenge or view the submissions of others participating, just click on the face at the upper right. 

February 05, 2013

The First of 29 Faces 2013

I've decided to participate in the 29 Faces 2013 Challenge for the month of February run by Ayala Art.  She has established a separate blog with more details.  Just click on the 29 Faces 2013 image at the right.  I enjoyed participating in her 31 Hearts in July challenge last year so I thought I'd give this challenge a go.

Anyway, here is my first face, an older original pencil drawing done in ACEO size (2.5" x 3.5").  I call it "Victorian Lady." 

Hope you like it. Click on the image for a larger view.