The last couple of days I've been working on more faces for the 29 Faces 2013 Challenge (click the face photo at right for more info or to participate). The first two are similar. Their creation is part original, part digital. The flower background is from a sheet of origami paper in which I cut a heart shape and glued to an ACEO card. I decided to scan this partly completed ACEO and use Paint Shop Pro to color the heart and create a face in it. They are below.
"Heart Face 1"
I couldn't decide which one I like best so I decided to show both. Which one do you like best? These would both be ACEO size (2.5" x 3.5") if printed.
I also worked on another original ACEO, this one done in black Micron Pen ink on smooth Bristol board paper. He is my favorite character from the original Star Trek series.
Finally, I have two works in progress ACEOs to share with you. The first is so far a pencil sketch on watercolor paper. I plan to use watercolors or colored pencil to finish it.
"Mermaid Goddess"
The second has been sitting unfinished in my art drawer, but I really want to finish it by the end of this challenge. It is colored pencil on Bristol board paper and again, it is ACEO sized.
"Water Elemental"
Click on the photos for larger views. I hope you've enjoyed looking at these faces.