Well, it's after midnight again and I've spent most of the evening catching up on email and checking Etsy, eBay and Zazzle. While reading eBay groups, I found out Ayala Art blogged that she is giving away 14 ACEOs in a drawing to be held on July 15th. If you'd like a chance to win these ACEOs, just leave a comment on her Friday, July 08, 2011 blog entry. Click on Ayala Art above to get to the blog.
I just had another five days off from work (trying to use up most of my paid vacation days). I didn't work on art, but I did take a lot of photo references of mostly flowers at the arboretum on July 8th and July 10th. I bought a few more frames at thrift stores and got a lot of still life materials (mostly flower arrangements, but also some vases and candlesticks) at an auction I went to on June 29th. Now if I can just get motivated to work more on my art!